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Amazon カスタマー 5
Amazon カスタマー 3
A quick overview of my setup. I bought this to mount my C70 to the Ronin RS2 as the camera is too wide when affixed with the center mount on any of the stock or third party plates. I recommend using the center mount to prevent micro-jitters. You have two options to do this: 1 - use a third-party arca-swiss plate (smallrig make one); 2) mount to a third-party extended plate using the included 3/8s screw. Option 1 lifts the camera up giving you extra height. You will need to also raise the 15mm pole to re-align the focus motor. This means getting another third-party fitting. Option 2 requires purchasing the extended base plate. This allows you to mount the rig for the focus motor on the front.With a center mount, you need to move the camera shelf in order to get the camera to pass by the gimbel arm when adjusting. You only need half a cm, but you will need to purchase this product to do it.However, this product has a few issues.1) it is not as strong as the original shelf. There is a tiny amount of bowing which increases the more you extend the shelf.2) it does not affix to the gimbal arm as securely as the original DJI shelf. The fitting does not have the same grip and there is a little play.3) the locks for the extension and the plate are not as secure as DJI originals. When you move them to the locking position they shift fully against the plate. While they feel stiff they aren’t maxed out. There is no way to adjust the tension as you can do with the DJI originals.4) this is a big issue. There is no fine-tuner. This shelf is for larger cameras, yet to make fine back-and-forth adjustments to the plate back you have to push the camera. This is a real pain when you want to fine tune for calibration. Also, when you lockdown the plate, it shifts forward. So frustrating. The DJI fine-tuner was fantastic at making calibration a breeze. It is now a real chore.Basically, in order to gain about 5mm of play, you lose out on a lot. It’s hard to believe smallrig really tested this product before release. Quite disappointed.Finally, with the C70, a basic 45mm cine lens, focus motor and raven eye module, you will need to provide counter balance on the pan axis arm. Not smallrigs problem, but just more info for users trying to mount their C70 to the RS2.
MK21S パレット フロントブレーキロータースズキ R48 Amazon カスタマー 4