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I bought three sound machines to replace one I bought from a sharper image in America over 5 years ago that recently broke. The other two I bought were the newer 2019 model and the Avantek.This mod was instantly terrible and I knew it would stick within 5 seconds. There is a high pitched noise on top of the white noise that I could hear, but my husband couldn't. But when I tried to convince him, I discovered that the high pitched additional noise maintained it's pitch and volume regardless of the volume set on the device, so my husband was able to hear the additional noise even when the device was set to "0" or "1" (or whatever the lowest volume is). so this device is just instantly useless.The newer model was ok, but even the low frequency white noise had a little bit of brown noise mixed in that made it distracting for me, and the "fan" options were far too "industrial" sounding. They sounded like machines more than fans, and the calmest one was still too rumbling.This avantek was the one I was least convinced of when I bought the three to test, but even though it's a little older, a little less "cool" looking, it packs a hell of a punch. The volume is insanely specific, which is amazing. It seems to have more adjustable timer settings (if you want those), though I haven't looked into whether it can be used wirelessly if charged, I think it can't, which is a big disadvantage if you need to use it on a trip or something. There are 2-3 white noise or fan options that would work for me and one that is 11/10 flawless.The avantek is of the best products I've bought in a long time, especially considering my initial expectations. My old sound machine cost over $100 and I never thought I'd need to replace it. I am so relieved and impressed with it, and again especially at it's price point. I highly encourage anyone who's considering it to make the Avantek choice rather than trying this dreamegg models.
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