A 1 100%コットンと商品説明にあったので購入したのですが。実際届いた商品のタグでは、裏地はポリエステル80%。タレ部分が綿98%となっています。商品説明の100%コットンとは、タレ部分のみのこと?どう見てもそうは読めません。
アスクル】 キユーピー マヨネーズ 200g 5個 通販 - ASKUL(公式)
Amazon Customer 5 While there hasn't been enough snow, yet, where I live, to really assess the quality, the little bit of cold, snowy and wet weather that I've worn them in indicates that they will survive my winter hunting. They didn't show any wear and tear and cleaned up nicely. How well insulated they are and how long they'll last is something that has yet to be judged fully, but so far they have exceeded my expectations.