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Update: One year after buying this chair, I really like it. It is always a good idea to buy a better-quality item that will last many times as long, even though it costs twice as much. It has lasted this long, and I feel it will last much longer than a chair with fake leather, and will be more comfortable for the whole time.=======I previously bought a recliner for about half the price, and it broke within a month and a half. I think that was a good thing; it had fake leather, and it probably would have started flaking after a few years. I was afraid that real leather would be too tough, but I decided to go for it.While this chair is pretty expensive and not perfect, after two months of usage I feel that it is a pretty good chair.The good points: (1) the leather is very soft and comfortable, and will probably last at least twice as long as the fake stuff, thus justifying the cost; (2) the chair reclines back almost all the way (160 degrees), and is excellent for laying back, taking a rest, or even sleeping; and (3) the tray table is extremely convenient and seems pretty sturdy (just make sure that you install it very level). Additional points: the chair swivels smoothly and quietly, and is easy to slide the whole chair over a smooth carpet. Also, the reclining lock handles work well, and are not too hard to reach (just a little), in stark contrast to the previous chair I got.The bad points: (1) the seat back is not as tall as I hoped—the height was not listed in the product description on the Amazon page, and this feels like I cannot rest comfortably with the seat fully upright. It is as if it were made for no one taller than 160~170cm in height. However, when you lean back, the back of the seat seems to rise to give fuller support. Therefore, if you are OK with sitting up straight without back support, or leaning back a bit—or if you are not very tall, then this is not an issue. Also, (2) the chair arms are somewhat low. It would be nice if they were a little higher, 5 ~ 10cm would work better.Overall, the chair is very good, and seems decently sturdy for a leather chair at the very low end of the price range or leather chairs.
ゆー 4
雷 音 5
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