美品 】ミニチュア ガラス細工 6色小鳥 インテリア置物 6羽セットの通販 by アッキーs shop |ラクマ
Zerp 2 The case itself is nice. And then you open it. The foam insert to hold the watch is very cheap stuff. And the design is such that almost any watch placed around that foam irps going to come in contact with the case when it closes. There is another insert that holds the foam insert. This, too, is rather crappy.So it you want this to work you’re going to have to at least cut the foam insert to prevent the watch from contacting the outer case. Maybe even buy a new piece of foam.I might just return it.
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美品 】ミニチュア ガラス細工 6色小鳥 インテリア置物 6羽セットの通販 by アッキーs shop |ラクマ