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I was skeptical to purchase this product at first because the cheap price (about MYR 70 or USD$18+/- to be more specific) , but I am attracted by one of the future which is wide distribution of its bright LED, so I just give it a try.When it arrive, I was even ask myself, do I get scammed? The tiny brown box look cheap, and the box is very small only contain a USB cable, rubber holder and the LED itself. Built quality seems fine with soft rubber feel material, the button feel firm and satisfied clicked. The weight is not heavy but definitely feel it pack some serious part inside.It is easy to install with a belt type contain a clip rail which let you remove the light without need to release the belt. I dont find it is lose on my setup like others mention here, slight vibration from uneven road did’nt see any disturbing too, while I can’t say if serious downhill in rough stone road.Now come to the main selling point, the illumination.There is lot of other brand/type that with high brightness as selling point, which I am not a fan of it, instead, as a 20 years car driver, I understand what I need when driving at night, brighter lamp wont make you feel easy but too bright will even harm your eyes then make you tired fast. LED light has brighter sight than traditional bulb, but the downside is narrower illumination coverage, this also mean you can’t see anything between left and right especially junction.This item has beautiful cutoff like car headlamp, which evenly distribute across the road from left to right, it is very wide, I can say it even bright and wider than some bike headlamp, without disturbing coming vehicle. The range I estimated is 100m+ , while the wide is about 40feet at 100m, I can see more and all junction compare to my previous crap LED as you can see in the picture, it is useless “circle” and not let me see anything beside far very narrow sight. It is huge improvement for safety.The battery life I can mention yet as I only use 1 hour, but the level not drop yet, so I assume it will be good for at least few hour.The sensor was also great which will dim when passing street lamp, but I find that it has some distortion “on/off” with 0.02 sec when coming from dim to bright, it is not disturbing, and only happen when on intermittent light environment, it will not happen if you set on Bright or Dim mode (without using sensor), but it is worth mention.Overall, I am very satisfied with it !
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